Page name: Power of the Gods [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-04-14 18:43:16
Last author: Artsy
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Power of the Gods

OK, so I know the main page says pick now, but I have to put up small descriptions of the gods so you know what abilities and skills you get. This may take two to three days, so bear with me. I will let everyone know when I'm done.

List of Gods:

Life- Vidja (Taken by [~Acidelf3~]for Selena)
Death- Kenibade (Taken by [Ms. Steel] for Betty)
Fire- Saled (Taken by [Tekkon KinKreet] for Elson)
Water- Baltos(Taken by [Eyelash-Wishes] for Hannah)
Earth- Tirok (Taken by [Eyelash-Wishes] for Eva)
Air- Zephos (Taken by [Ms. Steel] for Carl)
Destiny- Caryon(taken by [Tekkon KinKreet] for Chance)
Knowledge- Kazban (taken by [Nuktae-tal] for Spark)
Balance- Lathea (taken by [Artsy] for Tanker)
Strength- Aklendzer
Defense- Badnezer (taken by [~Acidelf3~]for Kohana)
Speed- Tirran (Taken by [Artsy] for Lysander)
Chaos- Riptea (taken by [Artsy] for Ren)

Flora- Mindos
Fauna- Plyncia (Ephasis on cia)
Light- Luna <---I bet this page is taken....
Darkness- Akota
Electricity- Nisso (Pronounced Neeso)

[Tekkon KinKreet]- Destiny (Chance), Fire (Elson)

[~Acidelf3~] - Life (Selena), Defense (Kohana)

[Artsy] - Chaos (Ren), Balance (Tanker), Speed (Lysander)

[Nuktae-tal] - Knowledge (Spark)

[Eyelash-Wishes] - Water (Hannah), Earth (Eva)

[Ms. Steel] - Death (Betty), Air (Carl)

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2006-09-19 [~Acidelf3~]: yeah its just going to be hard as hell to like play i know that.. it sounds like it would be anyways.. but im sure you could do it and it would be intersting... and as for changing it .. its up to u

2006-09-19 [Tekkon KinKreet]: no i wasn't working on anything for death, i have my three characters, and i think imma have enough fun with them. but anyways, i DID make descripts for a couple others, and another thing. I HAVE INTERNET NOW!!! i will most likely be on every morning for a couple hours and then again at like eight oclock until like ten or so.

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: sweet! good job! Death and Life on the same side. how wonderful lol

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: lol wonderful!!! dont kill me now.. lol u need me.. lolz

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: lol they only contradict... though Devlin had better stay away from the infirmary... anyone injured or injured severaly has a big dip in the life force they give and if he touches them...or something like that from what I read he could very well kill them off!

2006-09-20 [Tekkon KinKreet]: he can touch people. The touch of death only applies if he wants it to. It's a controllable thing.

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: well...he doesn't know that or even how to work it. bare skin contact kinda thing?

2006-09-20 [Artsy]: oooo, very rogue from x-men!

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: um...yeah kinda

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: .. i say he has to touch the heart.. make somthing specific like that so its not just like if he brushes one of us cause that could get .. well.. yeah if he was to bump shoulders with selena chance vala estdiny that would suck if it was that simple... understand where im going with this one?

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: just a suggestion but you can do as you wish he is after all ur charr

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: thats what I want to know! I mean...I was thining a though near the chest. bare handed or at least close proximity for his life force to touch theirs you know? there are two key points of energy through the body. or three...anyways mostly the heart and the low stomach area.

2006-09-20 [Artsy]: umm it could just be like the reapers from dead like me, only effects those destined to die, but in this case, able to die easily.. and only when he wanted them to

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: yeah could be that to ..

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: well I'll wait for the explanation from the creator how's that? lol

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: lol he will end up telling you we all came up with good ideas and its ur charr and he will give u general advice.. lol

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: well it's better then nothing

2006-09-20 [Tekkon KinKreet]: hmmm i kinda was thinking like a flat palmed touch to the chest... if you really want to he could have a word... nothing really dramatic... I think "Die" would probably work... but yah he doesn't know that yet, and if you haven't noticed, Estidny is kina making his rounds, giving everyone hints to their powers.... so he will eventually tell Devlin about his too.

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: lol alright I was noticing a trend there. flat palmed sounds good. and to have a key word would be good too... I'll mull it over and come up with something similar or maybe the same...

2006-09-20 [Artsy]: Muerto!

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: told u he would give general guidance

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